X-Box 360 and one Red Light Fix

Do you have a 360 red light error? This bug is also known as the error E74, and is caused mainly due to overheating problems. So you know this, you will be able to easily solve this problem right? Well, not really!

In fact, this may be difficult to repair, and a lot of reasons people will tell you to send more than one unit of Microsoft, and allowing for the Xbox 360 red light fix the error. But is it really the best option for you and there are other options?

X-Box 360 and one red light Fix for Microsoft?

When you send the solution of problems in the console to Microsoft for the hotfix, you must keep in mind that this is not a free service. It will cost you $ 150, but this is only necessary if your warranty has expired. In addition, you will need to wait for weeks. You have to have at least 3 weeks of waiting time, and this can easily go to 5-6 weeks!

Xbox 360 Red Light Fix myself?

In fact, this is the best option. It's cheap, and it is fast and easy when you use the repair directory. In fact, it is recommended that you use to repair the errors, because it takes all the guess work by giving step by step instructions.

In this way, you will not have to pay $ 150 for repairs, you can simply pay a small part of the repair directory. In addition, you will not have to wait for several weeks. Above all, reform is on 1. But I heard stories of people who put them Xbox 360 red light error within 1 hour. You can do this also ... Want to know how?